First off that poor little shaver Treyvon Martin who was shot in Florida by the overly enthusiatic neighborhood watch
Yes, yes, I know I only am rehashing what I have heard on the news all week. Two sides to every story and that stuff. And last night Lester Holt, he gets my weekend conversations when Brian is spending quality time with the fam, reported that according to sources Zimmerman had suffered a blow to the head requiring stitches or some other shit, which is not quite as bad as suffering a gunshot wound that kills you. Poor big, burly, self-appointed boss of that neighborhood who could not listen to directions from a higher, more knowledgeable authority than himself. Because his concealed weapon increased his brain firing power.
Next up my conversation with the radio about the movie The Hunger Games. Let me sum this all up like this: if I hear one more person say the movie is about "kids killing kids" I may lose it. That is NOT what the book or the movie is about. Get it RIGHT before you go on to making judgements about it. Yes, there is killing in this trilogy and yes indeedy it is teens inflicting violence on other teens. But these people who are yapping about that part of it, and only that part of it, are missing the entire premise. The underlying story about how the society/government encourages it for a variety of reasons is what this series is actually about, "haves and have-nots," and exercising control over others. Not to mention the warning it gives to what is possible in the future and the dangers of creating celebrities at whim who have done nothing to earn their status.
People are missing the fact that the teens/tributes who survive (Katniss and Peta) teach a lesson about herosim, courage, and how mankind should trust one another. Without that trust we end up with stories about how unchecked bullies like George Zimmerman can make his own neighborhood into an Arena. Exceot poor Treyvon had no idea his number was up.